Many people are
actually surprised to learn that bad breath doesn't always stem from the
mouth itself but is caused by digestive disorders and other such
issues. Conditions such as acid reflux disease, an obstructed bowel,
diverticulitis, and just plain indigestion can cause chronic halitosis.
But how are these conditions connected, and better yet, how can you
cure bad breath from stomach problems?
Most stomach and
digestive conditions that cause bad breath do so because of bacteria
and harmful enzymes that get absorbed into the system and then released
through the breath. In the case of acid reflux disease, those stomach acids can work their way all the back up into the throat and then are expelled in the breath.
In order to cure bad breath from stomach problems you need to
understand what condition you have that's causing the problem and then
address is appropriately. For instance, if it's acid reflux
you need to make adjustments to your diet or get some medication to
calm those stomach acids. You can't cure bad breath from stomach
problems by just covering it up with gum or mints; once that smell from
these products wear off, the bad breath is still present. If you have chronic indigestion you may want to see your doctor to get diagnosed correctly.
Sometimes just understanding the problem doesn't necessarily mean
that you can correct it that easily, especially if it's a condition that
you're trying to treat and still have not quite fixed. In order to cure
bad breath from stomach problems without being able to fix those
problems, you need to make sure that you're following a good program of
proper oral hygiene. Never neglect brushing and flossing, and of course
rinsing afterwards.
You might not be able to cure bad breath
from stomach problems by doing this, but you can make sure that it's not
any worse. Keep yourself adequately hydrated at all times so that you
can neutralize stomach acids and help your mouth keep itself clean.
Saliva is a great cleanser for the mouth and when your mouth is dry,
your breath is going to be worse.
There is no shame in asking
your doctor for help in being able to cure bad breath from stomach
problems. He or she may have seen this type of problem brought on by
your condition before and may be able to recommend a permanent solution.
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